Iyengar Yoga

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured”

BKS Iyengar

Yoga is an ancient system of exercises and philosophy originally developed in India. The form of yoga we study is named after Mr BKS Iyengar who has been teaching and demonstrating throughout the world for over sixty years. He has several million students and has written many books on yogic practice and its philosophy.

Only Qualified Iyengar teachers are legally allowed to use the Certification mark above

Iyengar Yoga is based on the safe and precise practice of alignment of the body in the postures. Yoga means to join together, to unite. Often the different parts of ourselves are disconnected from each other. In yoga we apply awareness to our body and our breath and so we begin to feel more connected, more whole. It is this active awareness that distinguishes yoga from other forms of exercise, and makes it appropriate for all ages and body types.

Isabel and Geoffrey are teaching members of our national organisation IY (UK)
For further information about Iyengar Yoga Visit IY (UK): www.iyengaryoga.org.uk

Isabel Jones Fielding Registered Profile on Iyengar Yoga (UK) official website https://www.iyengaryoga.org.uk/profile/1351

Geoffrey Fielding Registered Profile on Iyengar Yoga (UK) official website https://www.iyengaryoga.org.uk/profile/5545


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